University of Manitoba
University of Manitoba
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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Irrigation and Drainage Systems Design for On-farm Water Management

BIOE 4600

Sep 8, 2021 - Dec 11, 2021

Teams of students will be working on designing on-farm irrigation/drainage systems to meet the needs of the types of crops grown. They will be using the topographic information, soil profile information, historic weather data, water resources availability, the availability of outlet for drainage water etc., to design an on-farm water management system. The client is expected to provide the data necessary for the design of the water management system. The students will design the water management system and develop an operational plan to schedule the irrigation for the different fields to maximize the use of the irrigation systems.

Admin Ranjan Sri Ranjan
Matches 0
Category Engineering - general + 1

aMBAssa Case Competition


Feb 3, 2022 - Feb 6, 2022

aMBAssa from the University of Manitoba is seeking partner companies to participate in a case competition open to students entering the MBA program in Fall 2021, taking place in November. Students will review any prep provided by partnering organizations on the day of the event.Students are full-time professionals, having 5-10 years of work experience on average. Students expertise will tend to be in the following industries: consulting, finance, healthcare, and information technology.Students will work in teams on a project proposed by partner companies. As a participating company, you can direct students by providing particular areas of interest and context on challenges you face. Students will identify strengths, weaknesses and areas of opportunity. To conclude the case competition, students will present recommendations to a panel of partner companies, faculty and alumni.

Admin Anubrata Gangopadhyay
Matches 0
Category Market research + 3

Quality Control in Foods

FOOD 4200

Sep 16, 2021 - Dec 4, 2021

Student from the University of Manitoba's Quality Control in Foods course will be able to work on a project with your company or organization over the semester. They are able to describe the background and current requirement for quality control and quality management systems, explain what has led to the current quality management systems, outline the main requirements of a quality control systems. In addition, they can recognize the requirements necessary to ensure safe, quality food, identify conditions for inactivation of important pathogens commonly found in foods, apply appropriate evaluation tools needed to produce a safe food. Evaluate sanitary practices and environmental factors (i.e., Aw, pH, temperature) that control growth and response of microorganisms, and identify food quality specifications Recognize the source and variability of raw food material and impact on food quality

Admin Snehil Dua
Matches 5

Management Consulting Club


Looking to elevate your organization, and bring it to the next level? Bring on students from University of Manitoba Management Consulting Club (UMMCC) to be your student-consultants, in a project-based experience. Students will work on one main project over the course of the semester, connecting with you as needed with virtual communication tools.The project will be managed by exceptionally talented 1st and 2nd-year students, supported by experienced undergraduate students and mentors from consulting firms to deliver the best result for your company.

Admin Victor Aderinto
Matches 1
Category Product or service launch + 4